Title: Nate Quirino and Alfonso were both very attentive and Posted On: 12/4/24 Review For: Nate Quirino Rating: |
Summary: Nate Quirino and Alfonso were both very attentive and helpful. Nate was very responsive throughout the process. |
Title: I went in on 9/2 to buy a car, I ended up with a GLE AMG Posted On: 9/5/24 Review For: Nate Quirino Rating: |
Summary: I went in on 9/2 to buy a car, I ended up with a GLE AMG 53. Nate Quirino was my Sales Rep and I think he did a great job meeting both our needs while being mindful of the dealership needs. He made a great deal happen and I also want to thank Hae for sharpening his pencil to help take care of us. We are very excited to be back with Mercedes. |
Title: All the staff were friendly and attentive. Posted On: 9/2/24 Review For: Nate Quirino Rating: |
Summary: All the staff were friendly and attentive. Our sales representative Nate Quirino was very friendly, polite and helpful. |